For information on the weekly COVID statistics for the Arcola School District, please click the link:
about 4 years ago, Tom Mulligan
about 4 years ago, Nick Lindsey
hs bb flyer
Graduation dates have been set! 8th grade promotion- Thursday, May 27 at 7pm High School Graduation- Friday, May 28 at 7pm
about 4 years ago, Nick Lindsey
The Arcola School District School Board just approved paying substitute teachers $125 a day for anyone willing to be a substitute in the district. Applicants must be willing to obtain a substitute teaching license. For more information on the requirements needed for obtaining a license, go to and look at the substitute qualifications. The Regional Office of Education coordinates substitutes for all districts in their region but once certified, applicants can select the districts where they want to sub. If you have any questions about subbing in the Arcola School District, please contact district superintendent Tom Mulligan at
about 4 years ago, Tom Mulligan
Unfortunately, due to the times we are in, the family and school think it is best to postpone the Celebration of Life for Coach Bradford that was scheduled to take place on November 6 at the football field. We look forward to celebrating coach in the spring with all of his family and friends around. Future details will be sent out from the family and we will celebrate Coach then. Stay safe and healthy.
about 4 years ago, Nick Lindsey
We wanted to update everyone on the recent decision by IHSA regarding winter sports seasons. While we are glad to see that IHSA gave schools the go-ahead to proceed with sports, this decision is in conflict with the recommendation of the Governor and Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). As a result, the IHSA decision does not mean basketball is a certainty. Since this is a very fluid and evolving situation, the district, along with all other districts, will continue to review guidance from various governing bodies and consult with legal counsel and insurance providers before making a final decision on how the district will proceed. Thanks for your patience and we hope to see our athletes in competition soon!
about 4 years ago, Nick Lindsey
The Regional Ed Tech Coordinator with The Learning Technology Center of Illinois that serves Arcola will be hosting workshops for guardians/parents on Google Classroom and Seesaw. For more information and to register click
about 4 years ago, Tom Mulligan
If anyone experiences technology related issues during our 2 weeks of remote learning we are requesting that you submit the form that is attached below. You may also use this form to request a hotspot if your student is struggling with Wi-Fi issues.
about 4 years ago, Jill Hohlbauch
Tech Support Clip Art
Arcola School District moving to full remote learning beginning on Tuesday. October 20 through Friday, October 30. Please click on this link for details.
about 4 years ago, Tom Mulligan
Arcola School District is moving to a 2:00 pm dismissal on Monday, October 19, 2020 and taking a Remote Learning Planning day on Monday, November 1. Please click the link for more information.
about 4 years ago, Tom Mulligan
Douglas County Health Department opens second location for COVID testing.
about 4 years ago, Tom Mulligan
For a very important message about an upcoming change in the Arcola School District schedule, please click on the following link.
about 4 years ago, Tom Mulligan
The Arcola School District is seeking candidates for a full-time custodian to work from 9:30 am – 6:00 pm. The position will primarily include cleaning the cafeteria, cleaning the 1917 high school building, setting up for games, etc. Applicants should mail or e-mail letter of interest to the Ken Vogt at
about 4 years ago, Tom Mulligan
The Arcola School District is seeking candidates for a part-time or full-time nurse’s aide for the district. Required qualifications include: having a love for children; being dependable; and background with first aid. Education and licensing in the medical field preferred but not required. Applicants should mail or e-mail letter of interest to the school nurse Debbie Stenger at
about 4 years ago, Tom Mulligan
The Arcola School District is seeking candidates for a full-time paraprofessional for the elementary school. Required qualifications include: having a love for children; being dependable; and having either a paraprofessional, teaching or substitute license. For more information on the requirements needed for obtaining a license, go to Applicants should mail or e-mail letter of interest to elementary principal Angie Gentry at
about 4 years ago, Tom Mulligan
Vote for our school spirit showdown on!
about 4 years ago, Nick Lindsey
Please see attached info for coaching opportunities at Arcola Jr/Sr High
about 4 years ago, Nick Lindsey
We encourage all students to wear purple tomorrow. Along with other county schools, we will be doing this to show support to our wonderful HS Principal, Mrs. Sigrist!
about 4 years ago, Nick Lindsey
Golf match for tonight has been canceled.
over 4 years ago, Nick Lindsey
Important announcement about Remote Learning and the start of school. Please click the following link for access to the message
over 4 years ago, Tom Mulligan