Picture day instructions

Yesterday and today, Julie Scheuler Photography took fall portraits for junior high and high school students.

Parents - There are no paper order forms coming home with your kids. Instead, you can view the portraits and all the various print sizes (and other products) you can order via the online gallery.


  • Sign up for gallery notifications by visiting https://my.photoday.com/gallery/arcola2023 or texting the code JSARC2023 to the #90738.
  • You will be prompted to enter your name and either an email or phone number. 
  • Then you may be asked to enter the gallery code again (JSARC2023).
  • When Julie (Scheuler, the photographer) has the gallery up and ready, you will receive an update with the link to the gallery.
  • From there, you will be able to find your student's portrait following the instructions.